The Daily Log and Weekly Log are components of a personal time and productivity management system, serving interconnected yet distinct purposes to help you efficiently manage tasks, goals, and time. Here’s how they complement each other:

  • Weekly Planning: The Weekly Log provides a high-level plan for the week, helping set priorities and allocate time for various tasks and goals.

  • Daily Execution: The Daily Log breaks down the weekly plan into manageable daily tasks and activities, ensuring systematic pursuit of weekly goals.

Here is a specific example of how to plan for IELTS study over a week and a day to illustrate the connection between the Week Log and the Day Log.


This is a simple example, jobs are divided from high to low level. Big goals are set for the month, and from there I break them down to complete each day. And in the day’s calendar, I divide specific times into tasks to complete them.

By maintaining both the Daily Log and Weekly Log, you can establish a robust framework for managing your time, tasks, and goals. The Weekly Log provides direction and structure, while the Daily Log offers the flexibility and necessary details for effective daily execution. Together, they ensure that short-term actions align with long-term goals, fostering progress and continuous adaptation.

  • Creative drawing
  • Beautiful stickers
  • Rapid logging