
In a Bullet Journal, bullets are used to categorize and organize different types of entries. The main types of bullets are:

  • Tasks: Help you keep track of things you need to accomplish, like a to-do list.

  • Events: Mark important dates, deadlines, or scheduled appointments, so you remember time-sensitive matters.

  • Notes: Let you capture ideas, thoughts, or anything else you want to jot down and remember later.

  • Signifiers: These are additional symbols used alongside bullets to provide more context or to categorize entries further. Some common signifiers include:

    • Priority: Used to mark tasks or notes that are of high importance or urgency.
    • Inspiration: Used to indicate ideas, quotes, or observations that inspire you.
  • Migrated Bullets: When you move a task or event from one collection to another, like from a monthly log to a future log, we call that a migrated bullet. Migrated bullets help you easily track items you’ve carried forward.

  • Scheduled Bullets: Represent tasks or events you’ve planned for a specific future date, making it simple to stay on top of upcoming commitments.


By using these different types of bullets and signifiers, you can create a well-organized and efficient Bullet Journal that suits your needs and helps you stay on top of your tasks, events, and notes.

  • Creative drawing
  • Beautiful stickers
  • Rapid logging