  • Tasks: Represented by a dot (•)
  • Events: Represented by a circle (o)
  • Notes: Represented by a dash (-)

As you complete tasks, events, or process notes, you can update the symbols:

  • Cross out (x) completed tasks or attended events
  • Forward arrow (>) to migrate a task to a future log or collection
  • Less than symbol (<) to schedule a task in the future log

By using this simple and adaptable system, you can create a personalized planning tool that suits your unique needs and helps you stay organized and focused on what matters most.

One of the best things about Bullet Journaling is that it is entirely customizable. You can adapt the system to fit your needs and preferences, using different layouts, trackers, and collections to help you stay organized and reach your goals. Whether you’re a student, professional, or stay-at-home parent, Bullet Journaling can help you manage your time, tasks, and thoughts more effectively.

With the “May: Beautiful Bullet Journal” app, you can enjoy the benefits of Bullet Journaling with the added convenience and flexibility of a digital tool.

  • Creative drawing
  • Beautiful stickers
  • Rapid logging